Time Zone and Weather Conditions in Indiana, USA
South Bend, Indiana, is located in the EST (Eastern Standard Time) time zone, UTC/GMT -5 hours. The sunrise is at 07:31 and the sunset at 17:26 for the moment of the mid- November 2018. The length of the day is 9 hours 54 minutes. Greenwich, UK is 5 hours ahead of South Bend, Indiana.
South Bend, Indiana, is located at the area of a humid continental climate, which might be characterized by the significant temperature differences. For instance, Lake Michigan influence the overall climate of South bend a lot. That might be noticed in the lake-effect snow that occurs regularly throughout winter. Lake-effect snow usually appears when a cold air mass moves across long expanses of warmer lake water, that leads to warming of the lower layer of air that, in turn, picks up water vapor from the lake, rises and deposited on the leeward or downwind shores.
The warmest season here lasts June through August when the average temperature is about 21 °C or 69 °F. There are approximately 42 days per year when the thunderstorms occur. January, in turn, is considered the snowiest month of the year. However, the snowfall may occur October through April as well. There are approximately 179 centimeters of snow received by the city annually.
The highest temperature ever recorded in South Bend was filed on June 25, 1988, when the temperature reached 104 °F. Meanwhile, the lowest temperature was recorded on January 20, 1943, when the temperature reached -20 °F.